PowerPause |
Your Personal Computer Trainer Leading You Through RSI
Preventing Stretches
Take a break! .
It's a fact: You can't sit on your butt all day using your computer and
expect to be healthy. Over 75% of all workers compensation claims relate to RSI. You need to
take a break and stretch. Get your blood flowing and parts moving. PowerPause automatically
prompts you to take a break and leads you through an exciting variery of stretches. Automatic. Easy.
And at a mere $10.00 it's inexpensive. Because you need a stretch break
you need PowerPause. It's all very logical. Download now.
Example Stretch
The First and Best! |
Neck, shoulders or back feel tight and tense?
Headaches? Are you "stressed out" during the day?
Sharp pains or numbness in wrists, hands, arms, or shoulders?
Eyes hurt, strained or is your eye sight worsening?
Can't work to your full potential because of pain?
Do you wonder what the heck RSI is anyway?
Then you need PowerPause...
Meet your personal trainers... |
Imagine how good it feels to just take a break and stretch...
Download a Full Featured Evaluation Copy Now! |
Take a PowerPause Screen Snapshot Tour |
PowerPause Sounds Interesting, I Would Like to Know More... |
How Does PowerPause Work?
What is RSI?
First let's define RSI so we can see how PowerPause fits in the picture.
RSI stands for Repetitive Strain Injury.
Repetitive Strain Injuries occur from repeated physical
movements doing damage to tendons, nerves, muscles, and other soft body tissues.
Occupations ranging from meatpackers to musicians have characteristic RSIs that can result from the
typical tasks they perform. The rise of computer use and flat, light-touch keyboards that permit high
speed typing have resulted in an epidemic of injuries of the hands, arms, and shoulders.
Four factors are associated with the development of RSI:
- Force
- Posture
- Repetition
- Insufficient Rest
The human body has great recuperative powers given the opportunity to repair itself.
However, when a lack of sufficient rest and high repititions are combined with
excessive force and awkward postures, the worker is at risk of developing a RSI.
Common Sense: Answers What Breaks to Take When
The common sense notion behind PowerPause is that problems happen when you do a lot of computer
work over a long period of time without taking a break. We must take breaks when using computers!
Once you've decided taking a break is a good idea then you have to ask: When should I take
a break? What should I do during the break? PowerPause was created to answer both questions.
Take Less Time than a Coffee Break Over the Whole Day
PowerPause uses the idea of micropauses. Rather than taking one long break PowerPause
asks you to take more short breaks with stretching during the break. Stretches get your
blood pumping and allow time for a refreshing pause. Some people are concerned they will
lose too much work time. Don't worry. Over the whole day your stretch
breaks will take less time than a coffee break.
Stretches Pop Up
PowerPause pops up from time-to-time during the day and leads you through a short set
of stretches . We call this feature your personal trainer.
Like with a personal trainer you don't have to remember when to take a break or what to
do during the break, your personal trainer will prompt you with stretches to do, disappearing when
you are done.
Each day has a stretch plan so over the whole day you'll stretch all
the parts that need stretching. Each routine usually has a set of
3 stretches. To prevent boredom each stretch is randomly chosen from a group
of stretches that fullfill the overall stretch plan.
Most stretches have 3 pictures showing you how to
perform the exercise. You'll also find instructions for doing
the stretch, an explanation of what the stretch is for, and
possible precautions to take when doing the stretch.
Your Personal Trainers Show you What to Do
Simple, clear pictures show you what stretches to do. You only
do a few at a time so it doesn't take a long time. When you are done you can go right
back to work, if you want.
Stretches Target All Parts of Your Body
The stretches cover all the parts of your body that may hurt with prolonged computer use.
There are stretches for your hands, fingers, neck, shoulders, arms, as well as eye relaxation
You Want to Know More about RSI?
Good. We are very proud of our extensive help system
which teaches all about RSI, how to settup your workstation, and much much more.
You can learn a lot.
PowerPause Features
It's Inexpensive
PowerPause is free to use. If you like PowerPause we ask that you send us $10.
Lots of Exercises |
Your personal trainers lead you through a variety of beautifully drawn stretches.
Stretches work all parts of your body and are randomized so you don't get bored.
Hypertext Learning Center |
We are very proud of our extensive help system which teaches all about RSI, how
to settup your workstation, and much much more.
It's Automatic |
People get so caught up in work they forget to take a break.
Your personal trainers tell you exactly what to do and when. You don't have to
remember a thing, just follow along.
It Makes Sense |
Studies show shorter, more frequent work breaks, called microbreaks, may reduce the risk
of computer related injuries.
Designed By Experts |
PowerPause is designed by a top ergonomist and physical therapist
No Supervision Required |
Just install and go. No consultants or manager's time needed.
Addresses Rising Costs |
Let PowerPause be a preventitive part of your corporate health plan.
It's Simple |
As most software becomes ever more complicated PowerPause was designed to
be simple and trouble free.
It Helps Computer Users |
Users can take control of their own health from the convenience and privacy of their own computer.
It Helps Managers |
Managers can help their people help themselves very inexpensively.
It Helps Your Company |
PowerPause is a cost effective way of preventing computer related injuries thereby reducing
Worker's Compensation claims and lost time due to injuries. Pacific Bell estimates RSI related
injuries cost an average of $48,000 each.
Try PowerPause Now

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